

I've been out with a nasty little respiratory virus for a bit, so I obviously haven't posted in a while. There's nothing like a 101F fever for frying your thinking ability. I'm on the upside of it now, though not entirely over it, and may have the joy of getting hit by it again, since this one goes around two or three times every winter.

Got news of a new review for the Hate Anthology at The Romance Studio. Thought the rating of 5 hearts was nice to see.

Things are a tad slow at the moment. I'm waiting on the edits of a short story written for an anthology, and the next Patty O'Donnell story is on hold temporarily while I get some details worked out. In the meantime, I'm getting back to a story set on Maui, which features a different set of characters, so I'm still working. I may post bits from time to time, to let you meet the heroine.

If you have emailed me about the mailing list and you haven't heard back from me, please leave a comment. Email can be tricky.

That's it for now--still a little fried. This dratted cough kept me up for a big chunk of the night.



Lazy November afternoon

The year continues to pass at an incredible rate. When you're little and your parents tell you that one day the time will pass at a much higher rate of speed, it's impossible to imagine. Of course, it doesn't go any faster or slower in reality, but subjectively, it seems like only a short time ago that I was training myself to write 2006 rather than 2005 on my checks.

Patty's cousin Eddie has bowed out of the next story after all. Her husband insisted it was his turn to spend a whole book with her. Who am I to argue?

One of my favorite e-authors, Pauline B. Jones, has been saying some very nice things about my book Blood Money lately on her blog. If you haven't had a chance to read any of her work, check her listings at Fictionwise.com. Her latest book is Out of Time, which I have not yet had the pleasure of reading. I'm quite fond of the Lonesome Lawman series.

Until next time~~~