
Has it really been a month?

My apologies, I never intended to let this long pass between posts...

Kira's story is presently on hold while I work out some problems with characterization. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to it soon. In the meantime, I've got a short story I'm working on. More about that at a later time.

The weather's finally changing. Days have been comfortable, in the 80s mostly, and we've had rain. The mold level's also gone up a bit, which makes it more difficult to think and write coherently. Blog posts may continue to be a bit spotty.

The Muse Online Writers Conference begins in October. I hope you have already signed up if you had intended to, because I believe registration closed on the 15th of this month.

There are a couple of posts from other blogs that I'll pass along the links to:

Jim Huang, a bookseller, makes these observations about the publishing industry from his perspective on the retail end of things--Where I am, after 20 years in bookselling The comments column is also worth a read.

If you've been following the uproar over the cutting of newspaper space for book reviews and the rather elitist view said reviewers take of online book reviewers, this post from Kassia Krozsner might interest you--Stop Your Sobbing

And finally, because you can't help but be appalled and amused at the same time over stuff like this--Clientcopia's list of the top stupid client tricks. The list changes over time, so you may want to bookmark it if it appeals to you.

Until next time~~