Greetings, in case anyone stumbles across this blog.
Obviously, it's been a while since I posted last. I'll have to review the blog and see what there is that needs updating. One major update is that my publisher, Mundania, went out of business in 2019. They had a really tough time of it once Amazon changed their search parameters to favor their own books, and were unable to stay in business. Fortunately for their authors, they closed down before they could amass a pile of debt and returned our publishing rights to us. I am uncertain at this time exactly what I will do to get my books back into print, but I will be checking out all the options. In the meantime, I am working on book 5 of the Patty O'Donnell series, and have future plans for a stand-alone novel set in part on Maui.
Equally obviously, I am not an inveterate blogger. I simply cannot focus on writing a novel and finding enough interesting things to write blog posts about at the same time. I may try to post once a week, but that's not a promise. I will try to keep important things up to date on the blog.
My apologies for the long silence. We've had one medical issue after another come up in the last few years, along with my mother's death from a ruptured ulcer that no one knew about, which happened in 2018.
Since Mundania went out of business, my books are all out of print, and cannot be ordered because all copies were printed at the time of sale. As stated, I will be looking at options for getting them back into print. (Though I have no idea if anyone will see this, given how long it's been since I posted last....)
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